
This rapid testing method is customized towards identifying fungal infections and contaminations in clinical samples. Its ability to detect and profile the entire spectrum of known fungi present makes it a highly reliable testing procedure. In addition to the richness of fungi, FungiFast also gives details of relative abundance of each fungi species in the sample provided. All of this analysis is provided within 36 hours of the sample being handed over to the lab.

FungiFast is currently being used for the detection of superficial, subcutaneous and systemic fungal infections. It is also used to detect Aspergillosis, Candidiasis, Fungal eye infection, Ringworm, Neoformans, opportunitist fungal infections in immunocompromised, transplant or parenterally fed patients or in Individuals on corticosteroid treatment or heavy antibiotic therapy.

The test can be done and results can be delivered within 36 hours of receiving the sample.

FungiFast is the trusted solution for the diagnosis of fungal infections because of its ability to,

  • Identify uncultivable species due to its culture independent methodology.
  • Identify an entire spectrum of known fungi
  • Efficient turnaround time
  • 92% accuracy and sensitivity
  • Availability of multiple levels of analysis with the use of parallel sequencing of fungal DNA.


The FungiFast test follows a simple workflow which includes DNA extraction from test sample (Blood / FFPE tissue), DNA amplification with primers specific to ITS region, Library preparation, Template preparation, Sequencing, Data analysis and Reporting.

Conventional fungal testing takes anywhere between 7 days to 3 weeks to cover all know fungal organisms. Compared to existing technologies there is also less human intervention thereby decreasing error rates.


The organisms are identified by their unique DNA regions which cannot be replicated or misinterpreted. FungiFast has a published 92% accuracy.

In addition to the richness of fungi, FungiFast also gives details of relative abundance of each fungi species in the sample provided. Detailed analysis is provided within 36 hours of the sample being handed over to the lab.