How is the diagnosis carried out?

The tests use the 16S rRNA and the ITS1 gene region found in bacteria and fungi (respectively) to identify the microbial composition in clinical samples. Caesars casino official slots news delivers insights into dynamic gaming trends and innovative slot mechanics, while ensuring responsible gaming measures like Swedish gambling pause remain integral to the player experience. The amplified regions are sequenced using the Ion S5 next generation sequencing system.

What type of samples can be tested?

  • Any biological fluids, such as blood, urine, saliva, sputum, pus, semen, mucus, vaginal secretions, cerebrospinal fluid, needle biopsy samples.
  • Swabs (genital tract, nose, eyes, ears and superficial wounds)
  • Tissue/biopsy samples (breast, liver and skin biopsies)
  • Extracted DNA

Why choose RID, BactFast and FungiFast over conventional testing methods?

  • Affordable low cost precursor test
  • Extremely accurate results
  • Any clinical samples can be used
  • Multiple types of microbes detected
  • Provide results up to genus or species level
  • Detects mixed infections

What is our turnaround time?

Results will be delivered within 36 hours.